Educator (1964-93)
"GUSTAV REHBERGER, a master draftsman and master of the human form, is a brilliant teacher and demonstrator. Rehberger has received international acclaim for his powerful and imaginative paintings, drawings and pastels of the human figure and the horse."
Old Mill Art Center of the Adirondacks
"You would have to travel far and wide to see anything of the quality and stature of this type of instruction and ability." Rebecca Maurello, Old Mill Art Center of the Adirondacks, Elizabethtown, NY.
"Painting the Figure" Lectures
The Ultimate Expression: Harnessing All Forces and Elements
Kutsher's HOTEL & Country Club - MOnticello, New York
Kutsher's Hotel and Country Club near Monticello, New York, was the longest-running of the Borscht Belt grand resorts in the Catskill Mountains region of New York State. While the region was open to any and all visitors, the Borscht Belt was so named due to the largely Jewish-American clientele that made the Catskills the primary vacation destination for Jews in the northeastern United States. Over the decades, performers such as David Brenner, Jerry Seinfeld, Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Woody Allen and Joan Rivers appeared here. Gustav Rehberger was the Art Instructor in Residence.
“Mama Kutsher” executed by Gustav Rehberger in 1965
Lecture BrochureS
“If you can draw: You are Free!” GUSTAV REHBERGER
Saturday Class

Saturday Class Show
“The artist begins where the model ends.” GUSTAV REHBERGER
"Composition" Lecture
Horse & Bull Fighting (Lecture Chalks on Paper, 4 x 8 ft.)
“The power of my compositions comes from interdependent organized forms and movement within the given space, culminating in a strong expression, supported by a cohesive design. Everything has a meaning. Nothing is superfluous.”
"Painting the Figure" Lecture
The Ultimate Expression: Harnessing All Forces and Elements

"Action: Gesture” LectureS
Rib Cage and Pelvis Concept, Movement, Driving Thrusts & Contours

“ You can learn anatomy, proportion, shading….but you must feel…action, gesture, thrust and counterthrust.”
"Arm: HAND” Lectures
Essential Anatomy Expression, Function, Foreshortening
"Form" Lectures
Three Dimensional Achievement, Building the Structure with Planes

“Trust your eye…use your brain. Look, think, feel, select!”
"Shading" Lectures
How, Where and Why, Surface Anatomy, Values
“Shading gives you the ultimate Three-Dimensional Form.”
"Shading the Five Basic Shapes"
Gustav demonstrates the art of “Shading the Five Basic Shapes” at The Art Students League of New York in 1990.
“Shading the Female Figure from Life”
Gustav demonstrates the art of “Shading the Female Figure” at The Art Students League of New York in April of 1987. This video has been age-restricted by YouTube's Community Guidelines. Please use the following link to view the video “Shading the Female Figure from Life”.
"Man & Horse" Lectures
Comparative Anatomy, Articulation Conformation, Action, Spirit

“Worthwhile art is never achieved by sheer accident.”
"Leg: Knee & Foot" Lectures
Anatomy, Driving Force, Anterior, Posterior, Medial and Lateral Aspects

"Facial Expressions" Lecture

"Foreshortening" Lecture
“Drawing is like sculpting on paper.”
"COMPOSITION: Double-Oblique" Lecture
Gustav Rehberger demonstrates the art of drawing two-dimensional images of three-dimensional objects at The Art Students League of New York in 1990.
“Action: Gesture” Lecture
Gustav Rehberger was an educator, lecturer and demonstrator at The Art Students League of New York between 1972 and 1993. He was considered a master draftsman and was often compared to Michelangelo. In this lecture, he demonstrates the advanced techniques in Action: Gesture including Rib Cage and Pelvis Concepts, Movement, Driving Thrusts & Contours at The Art Students League of New York in 1990.
“Composition is a lost art. They do not teach it anymore but it still is important.”
Notes to Class
“Most mistakes are made in the first three seconds of a drawing.”
“You have to encircle the earth with newsprint before you can draw a fairly decent figure.”
“No Shading till Thursday!“
“An Artist is born…the minute the umbilical cord is cut he wants to shade.”
“Draw every day!”